Hold On to Your Hat!

I’m happy to announce that my new website is up and running!


This site includes my blog AND my design and writing samples. Yes, a couple years ago I decided to separate my writing and design sites, but that proved to be more of an ordeal than it was worth. So until I decide to change my mind again (I kid), melaniehoo.com is your place for one stop Hoo shopping.

Can you guess which part I’m most excited about?

I adore the photos (which I took in my basement Saturday afternoon), and I’m proud that after nine months I’ve finally updated my blogroll (let me know if you’re not listed), but the item that has me most excited is the Google Friend Connect! I can finally see who’s following me!

So, please please please go to melaniehoo.com — or better yet, hop right to melaniehoo.com/hoosblog — and bookmark it, copy and paste it, or do whatever it is you do to save highly important websites. Ahem. I’ll love you forever if you follow me.

Special thanks to my friends who succumbed to my brow-beating on Sunday.

Feel free to leave comments on this post, but starting Wednesday all posts will be at melaniehoo.com/hoosblog. I’ll leave a light on so stragglers can find their way.

Now, can anyone name the movie reference in the title?

2 Responses

  1. Do I need to change my feed subscription or will the blog still come to my inbox as is?

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